Rajya Sabha TV Recruitment 2015. The Rajya Sabha Television TV invite application for recruitment of Engineer, Electrician and Technician Posts. The Rajya Sabha TV (RSTV) is a parliamentary TV channel fully owned and operated by the Upper House of Parliament of India. The channel is aimed at providing in-depth coverage and analysis of parliamentary affairs especially the functioning of and developments related to Rajya Sabha. RSTV has conceptualised programmes on the basis of the vibrant relationship between Parliament and the people of India. Rajya Sabha TV also presents incisive analysis of the proceedings of the House as well as other day-to-day parliamentary events and developments. RSTV touches upon all the aspects of political, economic, social and cultural life of the people, while promoting scientific temper among masses. The employment details about the posts, age limit, educational qualification, experience and other conditions are given below as link. The candidates are requested to go through the details and ensure that they fulfill the minimum prescribed criteria before applying. Walk-in interview dated 01/04/2015.

Posts Name :
  1. Assistant Manager (IT) - (01 Posts)
  2. Senior Broadcast Engineer - (03 Posts)
  3. Broadcast Engineer - (05 Posts)
  4. Senior Technical Executive (Broadcast) - (04 Posts)
  5. Technical Executive (Broadcast) - (02 Post)
  6. Senior Engineer (IT) - (01 Post)
  7. Senior Technical Executive (IT) - (01 Post)
  8. Technical Executive (IT) – (04 Posts)
  9. Senior Technical Executive (Video) - (01 Post)
  10. Technical Executive (Video) – (04 Posts)
  11. Senior Technical Executive (Audio) - (02 Posts)
  12. Technical Executive (Audio) - (03 Posts)
  13. Maintenance Engineer - (01 Post)
  14. Electrician - (05 Posts)
  15. Technician - (04 Posts)
How To Apply: Candidates seeking Government jobs in Delhi for the above mention posts may attend interview along with all required documents to the address given in notification below.

Venue : The Office of Rajya Sabha Television (RSTV),  4th Floor, Talkatora Stadium, Annexe Building, New Delhi Pin 110001

Walk In Interview Date : 01/04/2015

Official Notification : Click Here

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